The following item is printed with kind permission of Ted Egan from
his book “Sit Down Up North”
Marys Kamwari
Our first premiership was
immortalised in a Kulama song by an old Tiwi bloke named Ali Uraputaway. He did it in the format of the ABC Radio News. In those days the local ABC Station was 5DR,and the well-known newsreader was Kevin Chapman.
He did it this way:
Port Darwin Port Darwin 5DR
Aungwara news ingani
Here is today's news read by Kevin Chapman
Parlingari arnungka tunuwui pootball play pordawinup
A long time ago none of our people played football in Darwin
Waiya nguwa ingardi kukunari ingani taikwapi tunuwui kukunari ingani ngeningatinglauila kukunari ingani
But now there are plenty of us playing. A big mob of us is playing today
Garden Oval ingani St Mary wangunuwaraBuffalo yetti pudi
(five: literally, one hand) goal
Today St Marys beat Buffaloes by five goals
Raphael Apuatimi ngara maratingali nganingati Superman
Raphael Apuatimi he can fly like a Superman
Ted Egan ngara angeraya taikwapi maratingali! Kalikali muruka! Wamuta-ini! Anawunau! Kari pakateringaga wamuta-ini
pipwa! Pipwala! Puttim goal!
Ted Egan told all the players fly high! Run fast! Mark the ball! Kick
it! If it rains mark the ball on your chest! On the chest! Kick goals!
Joe Saturninus ingardi bumbuni keringara goal anawunau
Joe Saturninus is too good, he kicked six goals
St Mary kamwarl! Kriu! Yiruka! Purim!
St Marys are just too good! Straight up! They did it!
Ngara pangkina yiloti
They’ll be on top forever
Tapinamini nguwa taikwapi kerawala! Paupau Yoi yoi mangkarana
Tonight all of us will sing! Clap the buttocks! Dance hard!